THRILA Partners (Club Merch) is a great way to promote & make an income for your Company or CLub!
It is arduous & difficult for Clubs to coordinate the names, numbers, sizes, payments & deliveries for each & every club member! But not anymore!
Your Club receives a Focused Page that allows your members to select the Club Products they wish to purchase. Members can also customise items with their own name, number & instagram (if they wish).
'Thrila are an ABSOLUTE DELIGHT to deal with & always deliver'
- Kate McLarty Port Hedland BMX Club
Each sale is recorded - the data & profits are supplied to your club every quarter automatically. Clubs can also order in BULK - Club-Branded products (Tees, Hats, Hoodies, Coolers, Stickers & Marquees, etc..)
If you want your Company or Club to Step up to the Future & look amazing out on track! - then you have come to the right place...
Email to get started!